Monday, September 15, 2008


Last week, I was surfing through the “Get Ahead” section of a popular Indian website RE DIFF.COM where I came across a interview of Meenakshi Reddy Madhavan who recently launched book called the YOU GET HERE.! She is one of the country’s most famous bloggers. The book is on relationship issues faced by a girl of 24 years old. Her bold writing style & candid truths have always attracted lot of people on her blog. In that article I came across the word “”LABEL””!!

Label has been defined in Cambridge Dictionary as “a word or a phrase which is used to describe the characteristics or qualities of people”. But then why are we always putting Labels in our day to day life.

Whenever the thought process goes on , we keep on associating ourselves with the labels that the society has created. Say for example, we have labels like a ‘good’ ,’best’ friend extending to ‘boy’/’girl’ friend. Labels can be safely called as adjectives I guess. Whenever we are confused we try to create a new label. So basically aren’t we RE-DEFINING relations in particular. For eg : a friend ends up being a ‘boy’ friend. I mean c’mon for a country who has a population of a billion needs such kind of labels to define the relations among people. Why can’t the society just accept the things as they are??

Why do we always end up getting up confused or perplexed about such labels in a relationship! Being a teenager, I have seen people who are supposedly in a “RELATIONSHIP” ,fretting about some petty issues about so called “GOOD FRIENDS “!

Every term has to have a special meaning??!! Even for that matter, a lot of people have the “SPACE” issue! Now, what is “SPACE”?? Helping or involving one excessively for the good of other person, can be easily termed as intrusion in that person’s “SPACE “??!! Being Excessive nature is always harmful but don’t you people think that unnecessarily we define it as “SPACE”?!!

So then “LABELS” are good or bad, effective or ineffective in defining relations???!! A strange topic to write upon but sometimes it feels bad to see people think or do things in a stupid manner. Would love to hear comments about this topic!

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